Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day in Paris.

Not as much fun as it seems, especially when you are single and alone. So what else could I do but stalk out all the patisseries I could find?

Well, this is a chocolatrie but whatever.

So much pink! I was tempted to get one of those big cakes, for educational purposes.

Je t'amie? That means good cake right? heh.

These giant heartshaped marcarons were everywhere, but after my giant macaron burger experience (awesome but waaay too big) I stayed away.

Marshmallow-y pink heart things?

Chocolates.... I ALMOST went in and got a box... But I was strong!

More loveheart macarons

I know these aren't very valentines-y buuut, they look so cool!

So do the mouthwatering pastel colours of these... things. There was no sign, and I couldn't order them because I can't speak enough French to say "those weird pastel coloured squishy looking things in the window"


I did buy these... things. They smell like cotton candy.

And a raspberry lemon tart. Moutwateringly good.

Oh yeah, I also went to Notre Dame today... In between drooling in patisserie windows.

I liked the windows, so many colours!

I have no idea what was with this out of place window, I was hoping for it to be an art intervention, but its probably something boring and religious.

Mossy gargoyle.

Bum end of Notre Dame. Spooky with the trees... I love the winter. Everything will be a completely new experience once spring has set in and everything is green and blossoming.

I also spotted some of Space Invader's graffiti that made me giggle with joy.
I mean graffiti, made from mosaic, of pixelated game references? AWESOME.

Lauren will like this one. :D

People having fun with their flower boxes.

Not everything heart shaped was sweet either, these love goodies were canapes. OM nom nom.

But by far, with all the couples in paris today, these two were the cutest.

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