Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day of death.

I completely forgot about this blog... I was sure I had posted it... oh well.

On this day, awhile ago... I met Abby and Lauren at Pere Lachaise cemetary. This is where lots of famous people are buried. And stuff. Its lovely to walk through, though not if there is a zombie apocalypse.

I'm not sure who this guy was, but they say its lucky to rub his crotch! So we did, of course.

WWII memorials

Oscar Wilde

Jim Morrison.

After walking the morning away in there, we headed to the pantheon.

Under the pantheon there are the crypts. This is where Voltaire, Madame Curie, and some other dudes are.

The crypts were interesting, but the place isnt that old, so its not creepy at all. 

The girls then dyed my hair! Finally black again.

and then we all went a little insane from ant rage. 

Lauren has Zebra feet! 

So to sum up. cemetary, crypt, dying my hair and killing ants. Lots of death today.

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