Monday, March 28, 2011

A monday of Pompidou and such.

Michelle wanted to try make it inside of the Pompidou today, instead of just looking in the shops. I love the shops!

Anyway, different from last time, there was only one small contemporary exhibition open, and the modern galleries open.

This was made from those aluminium bits from your wine bottles.

The contemporary exhibition was called My Way and was the works of Othoniel. As with most temporary exhibitions no photos were allowed, and as with most exhibitions, I took secret photos anyway. This was called post-tits.

These were wax nipples on a canvas.

He also did some beautiful glass works. I didnt realise but there is a piece of his over a metro station not far from here.

Nipple beads.

It was all very shiney.

The modern collections were showing works from 1905 to 1960.


Francis Bacon.

Claes Oldenburg, ghost drum kit.

I was standing by this and then moved on to another art work and a guy came up to me and asked if he could take a photo of me infront of it because my colours suited it so well. Weird, but he was cute so I went with it.

Duchamps urinal!

Duchamps hatrack, the shadow looked great.

Delaunay. So colourful.

Delaunays Paris.



While I walked home, I went passed this church, as I always do, its only about two minutes from home, and I actually went inside for once. So its St Eustache's church, and its very big.

And then going passed Les Halles, the flowers are getting more and more colourful, and the weather was just lovely today. I love going out in just a dress and cardigan.

This week I'm back to trying to catch up with uni, and finding French difficult. Well, I always find french difficult... but yes. On friday I leave for amsterdam for the weekend to stay with my Uncle and Carol. I'm looking forward to this a lot, it will be great to get out of Paris and see another country.

Okay. I'll get back to my homework now...

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