Friday, March 18, 2011

An art related update

So I've been really busy the past week making some art. (or pretending to, ahh, the life of a student.)
The week has been emotionally hell. But I have chocolat and it has somewhat dissolved from my memory why its been such a hard week.

Okay.. not art. But delicious!

Prepare for progress shots of the mosaic

All the mosaics in, just need to set it with the grout and polish up the stone.

The glass is so pretty!

Grout in the bottom.

Grout in the top. Next week when its completely dry, I get to polish it all up! Sweet.

Combo meal?

I also started a nice and complex embroidery.

I get to use gold thread. Gold thread is shiney!
I'll be glad if this works out, because its been hours on it and I've not even finished a quarter of it.

We had our warmest day yet on Tuesday. A sunny 19 degrees. So a bunch of us from uni went and had a picnic in the park. Baguette, cheese, chocolat et champagne. What more could we need.

We just bask in the sunlight.

And just to prove my being in Paris still, here I am outside the musee de pompidou.

So this week is a big and busy one, as per usual. I have a friend coming up from Perth who will be staying with me for the week, before heading off on his own whirlwind adventure. Its also my birthday on wednesday (still hoping mum is the birthday present, but I doubt she fits in this box they sent.. heh). I am going to Disneyland as well, and probably a bunch of touristy stuff.
Also, not long now til Amsterdam! Its going to be great to get out of Paris for awhile.

Hope you are all well. Miss you all. (Except Lauren. She smells.)

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