Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Amsterdam part 1. Keukenhof

This weekend I went to Amsterdam to visit my uncle and Carol who were kind enough to have me stay. I took the train direct from Paris Nord to Amsterdam which was very handy. After I got in we went for dinner at a cute restaurant around the corner from Uncle Johns apartment, the food was very nice. We then sat and drank on a bench while watching the canal. It was lovely.
On saturday the weather was amazingly good, about 23 degrees, so they took me to Keukenhof where the fields of tulips are. The place was so beautiful and the weather was beautiful.

Here are some of uncle Johns and Carols photos.

Pretty park.

D'uncle love.


See, I'm on a bike, proof.

And I didnt even fall in.

All the way to amsterdam to sit in a Kangaroo chair.

Giant tea pot!

I also got married...

And then my feet grew quite a bit. It was an adventure.

Here are a bunch of my photos if you are interested.

A puppy stroller!

Strange reflecter things on their heads...

Nice clogs.

I found dad!

Keep a look out for the rest of the weekend, this just had beaucoup de photos.
It was a wonderful day, we had hot ham rolls with mustard and poffertjes which are like mini pancakes. We walked ourselves silly, returned home for awhile and eventually headed out for a very tasty meal of tapas and a giant profiterol. Om nom nom.

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