So... day 4 I guess this would be. Yesterday was filled with shopping. Lots of shopping. Everything is on sale here. I went back to a few shops I had seen the previous day, and then to a large underground shopping centre that was amazingly awesome. I may have bought two dresses and a cardigan and a belt and stuff. I like stuff. I also found mums favourite store ever, she and the girls will be very happy to know that Desigual exists in Paris.
There are some really amazing clothing stores around. One I liked in particular had a mix of fashion and southpark. This dress was amazing, but slightly out of my price range, so I bought a shirt instead. Its pretty :)
My dessert for the night was this humble donut. Little did I know it was filled with a chocolate ganache! YUM. Pretty awesome way to end the shopping day.
So today, after sleeping the morning away, I decided to try the walk to where my uni is. It turns out to be a very short walk. You just go through the lourve, across the Seine and turn the corner and you are there. Its a lovely walk, even in the brisk wind chill. Here is the first part of the lourve, the building itself is massive, the architecture is amazing.
This bird has found a lovely place to stop.
The buildings are amazing around here, they have so much history.
Here is the street side of the university. It looks to be quite a large campus that is soley dedicated to the arts. Imagine that. I hope the people are friendly, and get my quirky food art :P
This is the universities cafe. De Beaux Arts. How cute is that. I look forward to many chocolat chaud (hot chocolate) here.
There are so many galleries on this strip. Its amazing. And each are filled with some fantastic works. I have no idea who did this piece but it made me smile. Puppies!
The mixture of sculpture and paintings is great to see, the works compliment each other well. Also.... MONKEY! heh.
Here is the courtyard of the university, I was too afraid to walk much further in, but I'm sure once I start there, you will see much more of it. A bit of a change from Curtins lovely cement and red bricks no?
Valentines fever looks like its already started... Damn. The patisseries look so cute filled with red and pink macaroons. Stuff the lovey-dovey shit, give me the pastries! :D
I'm still more excited by patisserie windows than I am of the architecture, but when your photo skills are as bad/awesome as mine, you can get both at the same time!
A few more choice shots from my walking around the left bank.
I just love the little window boxes with flowers in them. It reminds me of Madeline.
My first Anish Kapoor work. SO SHINY.
Another historical building that has some importance...
The overpass from the right to left bank is covered in these padlocks. They look amazing. Couples from all over the world write there names on a padlock, lock it to the fence and throw the keys into the seine. Don't worry lovers, there are always bolt cutters!
I much prefered the old style locks. Though the combination locks were quite funny.
Did I mention there are puppies?
So here is my apartment door, you are one step closer to getting photos of the apartment. They are coming soon, I promise!
I also got suckered in by a nice man at the lourve for the polaroids... I know pathetic. But I was happy to be able to talk to him for awhile in English, and he liked me so much he gave me two.
My uncle is coming with his wife from amsterdam tonight! It will be great to see them again, and have them help me with the trains, and get a bit more confidence to actually go inside restaurants. They are staying with me til Sunday so this little place will be a bit cramped but it will be great. I hope I can go visit them at some point to, Amersterdam would be an amazing place to visit!
Hope you are surviving that killer weather. And the killer storm that is coming, watch out for mega shark and giant octopus!
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