Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wood carving. Its not a penis.

I know its been ages since I updated my blog, my interenet has only recently decided that it likes me enough to let me upload photos. 
The last few weeks I've been working on a woodcarving of a baguette. Its really cool to learn the skills, maybe I'll be a master one day, but for now, it looks like a giant wooden penis.

But it wont be for long.

The ends of the baguette are always more round, hopefully once I start getting detail on it, it will stop looking so much like a penis and more probably like a mutilated one. haha. 

To keep my spirits high, I ate this cake. Fraisers. Om. Nom nom.

Its really hard work. But I've definately improved, especially since the first time I tried I got 20 minutes in before I fainted and had to stop, and now I work for two full days a week on it. 

But I have been getting blisters on my blisters. Ouchies.
This is my last class. I decided to finish my mosaics class so I can get more done in Paris before I leave. I passed my french test! And my studio professor has signed off my sheet to say i met the credit requirements. I'm this one unit away from finishing. Technically only two weeks left. Woah, how times flown.

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